BHM 2024: Reclaiming Narratives

This Black History Month’s theme resonates so much with me this year. ‘Reclaiming Narratives’ is our essential mission statement. Letting the world know that not only do Black ballet dancers exist but YOU could be one too - no matter who you are.

Black History Month has often been a bittersweet time of year for me, and this year I think I finally put my finger on just why that is.

You see, Black History Month is meant to be a time to celebrate our history. Acknowledge the people that went before us and who paved the way; our inventors, our Kings and Queens, our politicians and so much more across the globe. 

But over the years, it’s become ‘the Black month’ where everything about blackness and Black culture has been shoved into one month. For example, every BHM TFL posts pictures of their Black colleagues around tube stations. Whilst the sentiment is lovely, that is not what Black history is or what the month is about.

That’s why I’m so proud that our show this year celebrates Black History during this month (and beyond). I spoke last week about how our ballerinas had no idea who the Windrush generation was and now we’re able to dive into how our families in 40’s/50’s must have felt when they arrived to England.

It brings me great joy to pay homage to my aunt and uncles - as well as yours - this October, reclaiming the narrative that they called us here… and we answered. Come and join us reclaim our narrative this Black History Month and witness Black ballet joy in it’s truest form! 🖤


A Message From Our First Staff Member


The Pointe Black Mission